Quinta de Vilar understands it operates in an increasingly demanding and competitive market and has therefore adopted procedures and standards that enable it to be recognised by its customers for the good practices and products it sells.
IFS Food
Quinta de Vilar obtained its first IFS Food certification in 2019 and it has been renewed annually since then. IFS Food (International Featured Standards) is a reference for the agrifood industry that defines standards for organisations that want to stand out for their excellence in quality, food safety and customer satisfaction. As this is a uniform food standard, it allows for consistent quality assurance, offering reliability to the distribution chain.
Global G.A.P
Global GAP certification involves compliance with measures in terms of farm management, health, safety and well-being of workers, waste and pollutant management, environment and conservation, complaint management, traceability, sorting, food safety and hygiene. GlobalGAP certification guarantees product quality and safety; allowing access to the most demanding internal and export markets; and improving the internal organisation of the farm
Integrated Production
Integrated production is an agricultural system for producing high-quality agricultural products and foodstuffs based on good agricultural practices, through rational management of natural resources and favouring the use of natural regulation mechanisms as a substitute for production factors, thus contributing to sustainable agriculture.
Beira Alta Apple
The use of the Protected Geographical Indication "Maçã da Beira Alta - IGP" is reserved to products which comply with proper quality characteristics, classification, size, tolerances, presentation, distinguished by a distinctive flavour, high sugar content, firm pulp and pronounced colouration resulting from the edaphoclimatic conditions of the respective production region, complying with Annex III, of Reg. (EEC) No. 920 / 89 of the Commission, of 10 / 04 / 89, Official Journal L 97 of 11/04/1989, pages 19 - 39, irrespective of the variety.
Protected Designation of Origin
A DOP is a name that identifies a product originated from a certain region, whose quality or characteristics are essentially or exclusively due to a specific geographical environment and whose production stages all take place in the defined geographical area. Quinta de Vilar has PDO certification for the Bravo de Esmolfe apple variety, which is produced precisely in the Esmolfe region, Penalva do Castelo.